Our new favorite thing to do as a family is make our own pizza's. You can see who really gets into it! Trader Joe's has really tasty pizza dough, garlic herb is our favorite, but the original is delicious too! It is fun for the kids to get there hands dirty and create their dinner. We usually make a night of it and end up eating on a blanket in the living room and watching a movie. Bon Apetite
What is so weird is that I am reading this I am eating the Trader Joe's dough of which you speak!!! And it is the first time we bought it. See you in October.
Did I tell you that Lincoln Brewster totally reminded us of you 'Luigi'??
At his concert, his stance, his voice, his stature, were totally Mr. Pimshizzzzzz......except his guitar skills were WAY more 80s rock. Ah, miss your skills kids.
Post a little riff for ol times sake k?
BTW, yumm-O on the new pass time....don't forget the olives :D
barb i got a blog so you can read about my life too, haha!
i miss you guys, i remember when we made pizzas.
but really, bookmark my blog or something. :]
Yummy!! That looks so delicious and fun to make! I love nights like that! Blessings!
The Shafers
Can you guys make a special delivery to Concord, CA! haha! :)
That is so cool! We did that for months but have gotten out of the habit! I never could toss the dough in the air - not that coordinated! How fun! Love the new look on the ole' blog!
Hey Barb! I thought of you the other night as we made pizza for dinner. We weren't quite as fancy as Luigi over there, but what can I say...we just don't have those skills ;)
Hope you guys are doing well!
Hiya Barb!
I highly recommend making your own dough! Super easy!
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