We were so thrilled to find out the John & Millie were coming to visit us the week the kids started school. (To those of you I made bets with I would like to change my time to
1 year). It has always been a tradition for Millie to go with the kids to the first day of school and this year was no exception! They are attending Nancy
Ryles Elementary School in
Beaverton. It is a beautiful facility with exceptional teachers and staff. Aidan &
Keelyn were both looking forward to making new friends and meeting their teachers. Although the night before school
Keelyn thought she was going to be sick, when I went in to pray with her she told me not to worry she was just "nervous and had a little anxiety"! The first day went awesome, they both made friends and Aidan met a fellow student who just moved from Dublin, CA and he is our next door neighbor too! Johnathan and I feel so blessed to have them going to such an awesome school.