That's right Johnathan and I have been married for 13 years now. The blessed event happened April 8th 1995 in a little town called Lake Hughes. Looking back at that day I can honestly say that I didn't really know what I was getting into. I had just

turned 19 the week before and thought being married would be easy, yes I am laughing right now. Still laughing.......... Anyway, I was just beginning to scratch the surface of who I was as a young woman and now I had a husband who was learning about himself in ways only a wife can shed light on. Let's just say it hasn't been easy but it sure has been an adventure and quite a learning experience. I believe Johnathan and I love each other more deeply now than the day we married and that only comes from living day to day, month to month and year to year with one another with the knowledge that pressing through the difficult times has strengthened the bond that God sealed us with 13 years ago. For our anniversary we spent 4 days at Manchester Beach. We traveled to Mendocino and Fort Bragg and saw breathtaking coastline, beaches, redwoods as

well as coastal towns, micro breweries and... we saw alot! It was so much fun hanging out with my best friend and look forward to hanging out with him for the duration of this adventure.
Bye For Now!
Wow! I'm so glad you returned to your blog :) Happy Anniversary, congratulations on 13 years!
Yeah Barb is back!! Congratulations on your Anniversary!!! Sounds like you had a blast!!
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