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Wednesday, February 28, 2007

A New Sink

I never know what the day will bring. I mean I have a few ideas, some constants if you will. My alarm will go off at 3:03am and I'll get ready for work. I'll get to work at 4am and make and sell lots of coffee. Spend time talking to the Lord. I will pick up the kids from school. Eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Talk to my husband. Those are the constants. But today, today was different. There was a surprise waiting for me. It came in the form of a flashing light on my answering machine. It was a message from Chuck. He wanted to know if he could come over and replace my sorry excuse for a sink with a new one. What a surprise, what a delightful twist in my day. Yes, Chuck please come over and make my plate rinsing, dish washing world better and more efficient! You just never know what the day will bring.... what will it bring you?

1 comment:

wedogmomma said...

You get calls about a free sink
I get calls about teenagers cutting class while I wrestle urine soaked layers off a futon.....can we switch for a day.....or even a couple of long as I get the afternoon shift....who am I kidding? Lord know I couldn't wake up at 3:03am!
Happy sudsing