Just when I think our world is going to slow down, I realize we have been winding up for the next whirlwind. The kids are rapidly nearing the end of school and their teachers are squeezing in last minute reports (Aidan), two last minute field trips (Aidan, & Keelyn). Not to mention field days, basically a mini Olympics for the school, teacher appreciation week, (yes, a week not day), a movie night at school, water park party, end of year parties have you entered the eye of the storm with me yet. So, I am taking a deep breath and getting ready for all of the festivities that make school fun and memorable and Busy. In the meantime Johnathan and I are trying to prepare for a relaxing summer (ha, ha!) I called a dear auntie of mine up in Redding to coordinate a weekend to spend with them and out of the whole summer, (which seemed alot longer when I was younger), realized we only had to weekends to chose from to go visit. We have a trip to So Cal upcoming in June, my brother is visiting in July with his new fiance, we will also be going to family camp in Petaluma. I am looking forward to peaceful summer days though. I know there coming, being lazy in the backyard and having a bar b que, hanging with friends long into the summer night, when it takes a good long time to get dark and you don't feel quite as busy!
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Friday, May 11, 2007
Busy Busy Busy
Just when I think our world is going to slow down, I realize we have been winding up for the next whirlwind. The kids are rapidly nearing the end of school and their teachers are squeezing in last minute reports (Aidan), two last minute field trips (Aidan, & Keelyn). Not to mention field days, basically a mini Olympics for the school, teacher appreciation week, (yes, a week not day), a movie night at school, water park party, end of year parties have you entered the eye of the storm with me yet. So, I am taking a deep breath and getting ready for all of the festivities that make school fun and memorable and Busy. In the meantime Johnathan and I are trying to prepare for a relaxing summer (ha, ha!) I called a dear auntie of mine up in Redding to coordinate a weekend to spend with them and out of the whole summer, (which seemed alot longer when I was younger), realized we only had to weekends to chose from to go visit. We have a trip to So Cal upcoming in June, my brother is visiting in July with his new fiance, we will also be going to family camp in Petaluma. I am looking forward to peaceful summer days though. I know there coming, being lazy in the backyard and having a bar b que, hanging with friends long into the summer night, when it takes a good long time to get dark and you don't feel quite as busy!
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
A Summary

I have to admit that having this blog is alot of pressure for me. I was never very good at keeping a journal as I am sure you have noticed. Alot has happened since Jen's b-day. I had a birthday and turned 31. We went on a camping trip with a group of great friends in Monterey. The weather was cool, but I loved being by the ocean and combing the beach for treasures. After that was Easter, we celebrated the resurrection with my sister and brother-n-law at their home in San Jose. Next came spring break. It's like a little pre-summer vacation tease. Staying up late, sleeping in, bar-b-que-ing, (that's alot of hyphens) going fun places like the San Jose Tech Museum. Then the awesome ladies advance. The Lord's presence was so tangible and precious. I really didn't want to leave. Although, I was excited to get home and get into battle. I have been praying for opportunities to share the testimony of the weekend and looking forward to see who the Lord puts in my path. Let's take territory ladies! Bye for now.
Monday, March 26, 2007

I went to visit the Pottery Corral for a surprise party yesterday. I had a blast, celebrating and being creative with a group of amazing women, that I am proud to know and even more blessed to share moments like these with. God is so good for giving us spiritual sisters that we can laugh with, cry with, get upset with, make up with, and laugh some more with! I loved watching everybody carefully working on their piece of pottery, it made me think of how carefully the Lord created and designed each one of us! "I will praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made, and that my soul knows very well." psalm 139:14
Wednesday, March 21, 2007

I forgot how to put a picture up on my blog, so I had to figure it out again. That is why I am posting this randomness, and posting random photos to go along with it. Nikki and I planned a "surprise" trip to the city for Jarrod and Johnathan's birthday. We enjoyed a German Film Festival, and boy do I mean enjoyed! Nikki and Jarrod saw a scorpion on an "F" train and we went to a offbeat coffee shop, Phil's Coffee. I had a fresh mint coffee that was pretty amazing. If you have an opportunity to go you won't be dissapointed. Bye for now.
It's Been Awhile
Well my last blog has been quite sometime ago, and I have thought about posting nearly everyday, but have not made an effort to actually sit down and do it. I am getting really excited about a camping trip to Monterey next weekend. We will be going with a group of friends and actually be there on my birthday which makes it even better. I love going camping. The relaxing, reading a great book or two, having an awesome time with my husband and kids, hanging out at the beach (our campground is right on the dunes), and spending fun and memorable times with friends. Anyone up for a game of Clue! Colonel Mustard, in the library, with the rope.
Friday, March 2, 2007
Ride On!
When the kids got home from school today the wanted to ride bikes. So they got out their bikes and helmets and started to ride. The neighbor kids joined them shortly after. They were playing all the typical games, drive-thru, races, pretending to be real "cars" on the road. I was reminded of the days, long ago, when my sister, brother and our friends would ride bikes in the neighborhood. Play the same games. That was so much fun. They are great memories. I love watching my children enjoying something as simple as bike riding. Ride On!
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
A New Sink
I never know what the day will bring. I mean I have a few ideas, some constants if you will. My alarm will go off at 3:03am and I'll get ready for work. I'll get to work at 4am and make and sell lots of coffee. Spend time talking to the Lord. I will pick up the kids from school. Eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Talk to my husband. Those are the constants. But today, today was different. There was a surprise waiting for me. It came in the form of a flashing light on my answering machine. It was a message from Chuck. He wanted to know if he could come over and replace my sorry excuse for a sink with a new one. What a surprise, what a delightful twist in my day. Yes, Chuck please come over and make my plate rinsing, dish washing world better and more efficient! You just never know what the day will bring.... what will it bring you?
Monday, February 26, 2007
Let's Do This
Well, I just got off work. I have a few minutes to myself before I go pick up my daughter and the whirlwind that is Monday begins. It seems so strange for all of us to be different places doing different things. Making choices that will effect our day maybe more than our day. My prayer daily is that the Lord would go before every thought, and word that we think and speak, so that we might be used in whatever capacity He has for us today. It's time to go, let the whirlwind begin!
Sunday, February 25, 2007
The New Blog
I was inspired to blog after visiting a friends page yesterday. I spent over 2 hours setting up a myspace page with my sister-n-law last night and all I can say is that it was very difficult. The site looks pretty cool though, you can check it out at myspace.com/frookie75. So today my husband and I found this site and I started this blog less than five minutes after signing up. It was so easy.
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